As a customer you have to fill in following information during registration:
We recomend you to fill in your phone number as well, in case immediate contact is necessary. These information are needed to identify you as a customer. We use them to corectly deliver the merchendise and to communicate with you. You can not make an orde without registration!
After sending an order the syst?m will automatically send you a copy of it by e-mail. In case you find any incongurity in it, contact us immediatelly through e-mail or by phone to number +420 465 521 052. The merchendise will be sent immediatelly.
Schools and libraries recieve 5 percent higher discount from prices of all the books in our e-shop.
Our customers can choose from folloving means of delivery:
Standard mail package of Czech mail service. The delivery will be decided upon recieving your order and you will be notified on amount of money required.
(Oftis, J. Nygrina 336, Usti nad Orlici) From day following the day of your order you can pick the merchendise during next 14 days every weekday from 7 am to 3.30 pm. After 14 days the order is canceled.
Our customers from abroad have to pay cash up front!!!! After recieving your order we will send you an e-mail stating how much money you will have to pay for delivery. You will then have to send the amount of money in envelope to our address: OFTIS s.r.o., J. Nygrina 336, 562 01 Usti nad Orlici, Czech republic. We apologize for this inconvenience, but it is NOT POSSIBLE to recieve credit card payments or send merchendize to cash on delivery. Thank you for your understanding.
Free transport of goods
for orders over 1000 CZK
within Czech Republic
Terms of Services
Tiskárna Kulhánek spol. s r. o., Opletalova 92, 563 01 Lanškroun, IČ 020 18 420, DIČ: CZ02018420 tel.: +420 465 525 741, e-mail: