Reclamation and Merchendize returns

Merchendize returns

According to law 367/2000, the customer can step away from a deal, up to 14 days from recieving it. It is necessary to step away from the deal in written form. The merchendize must be returned unharmed, unused and with receipt. After returning the merchendize, the money will be given back to the customer (not including delivery) by bank transfer of money order (depends on the wish of the customer), 30 days from retuning of merchendize is the maximum limit.
Do not retur merchendize as COD, we will not accept it.

Reclamation order

  1. The customer must check before recieving the merchendize, the package is undamaged during delivery. If It does, he must check if the damage was in fact created during delivery.
  2. The customer must check the merchendize without delay. In case the customer finds out the merchendise is damaged,, he has to inform the seller about the damege by e-mail or in a letter up to 3 days from recieving the merchendise .
  3. In this letter or e-mail the customer must descibe the damage. Contact address, phone and e-mail:

    Třebovská 109, 562 03 Ústí nad Orlicí,
    Tel.: 465 525 741, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Damage report must contain: name of the customer, address, e-mail, phone number (if possible), number of your order and description of what led to the damage.
  4. Three days from recieving of damage report (according to rules 1 and 2) the seller informs the customer about following procedures, especially where to send the damaged merchandise.
  5. Condition for acceptetion of your claim is attaching reciept to the merchendise. We send you reciept with the merchendise.
  6. The merchendize must be returned complete, includind all the documents and packages.
  7. Depending on kind of damage and legal conditions (especially law 40/1964) the customer has right to exchange the damaged merchedise of to have it fixed, or he can step away from the deal and ask for refund. The way this is done is described in rule number 10.
  8. The seller is not responsible for damage caused by regular use or unskilled use, or damage caused by external causes.
  9. Conditions of gurantee are defined in guidebook. Otherwise it can be found on the bill. . The guarantee doesn�t aply to damage by regular use.
  10. If not stated otherwise, guarantee due is 2 years from the date of sale. The guarantee doesn�t aply to damage by regular use. The damage on product will be removed by repair, if that�s not possible or economical, then by exchange for the same product. Exchange for a different product is possible only with customer�s agreement. In case the damage is unfixable, the customer has roght for exchange of product or for a refund. The customer has to pick up the product 14 days after being noticed the reparation was finished at the latest. The exchanged product has the same warranty time as the original one.

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